St. 竞技宝app下载安装 is home to learners from a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and identities. 你不必是天主教徒也能在校园里感到自在. 但是所有的学习者都被邀请去实践我们的竞技宝app下载安装价值观, 勇敢地行动, 寻求智慧, 为正义而努力, 过着服务的生活. Explore the ways faith inspires our students, from campus ministry to student groups.
We have one or two Peer Campus Ministers (PCM) living in each of our residence halls as representatives of the campus ministry team. 你是否在寻求指导, 一个探索你信仰的地方, 或者只是寻求陪伴, 我们的资源随时为您服务.
教堂 & 敬拜
我们在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 are peaceful places designed for quiet contemplation and spiritual practice. These serene corners on campus offer you a peaceful escape — a quiet refuge where you can reflect, 找到安慰, 或从事个人崇拜.
而主要是为了修行, these spaces are also open for anyone seeking a moment of calm or a place to gather their thoughts. 无论你是倾向于一个特定的信仰还是寻求一个和平的氛围, 我们的教堂和祈祷场所欢迎您.
你是否在寻求个人成长, 或者与灵性和基于信仰的价值观有更深层次的联系, 我们的静修提供了分享和反省的时刻. 参与旨在促进个人发展的活动, 丰富精神理解, 并将你与志同道合的人联系起来. 静修的范围从短暂的会议到周末度假, and are integral parts of our commitment to nurture holistic growth and foster an environment where everyone can delve into the core tenants of our beliefs.
在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装, our commitment to Catholic teachings extends into how we teach our students. 我们在所有的课堂上灌输以职业为导向的技能和核心价值观. 每位教师都体现并灌输尊重等价值观, 包容, 同情, 完整性, 将竞技宝app下载建设融入到教学实践中. 这种整合丰富了学术经验, 使学生对道德决策有更深的理解, 社会责任, 建立一个支持和包容的竞技宝app下载. 从教室到工作场所, 我们培养了一种价值观驱动的方法来塑造不仅仅是职业生涯, but also 同情ate leaders who are dedicated to positive change in their career fields and communities.
礼拜在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装的核心. 透过竞技宝app下载外展, students embrace 社会责任 and lend a helping hand to create positive change. Students engage in service learning initiatives and volunteer projects that foster personal growth while benefiting our local community. They can choose to experience the life-changing impact of an immersive week-long Spring Break 服务 Trip. Students discover firsthand the impact they can make on lives and communities through their actions.
对天主教价值观有疑问吗? 在这里找到答案.
St. 竞技宝app下载安装 hosts a variety of retreats that cater to students’ spiritual and personal growth. 静修提供了反思的机会, 正念, 以及与基于信仰的价值观更深层次的联系. 有些人专注于自我发现和内心平静, while others center around community building and fostering a sense of belonging. Retreats range from day-long sessions to weekend getaways to provide diverse experiences to suit different preferences and schedules.
安提俄克撤退-这个周末离开校园, 每学期举办一次, provides students with the opportunity to develop their faith lives in community with fellow students.
繁忙的学生静修会 -每学期举行一次, this retreat is for students who want to have a little more reflection in their lives but find it difficult to get away. This retreat provides them with an opportunity to spend time in 祈祷 and reflection for one hour each day with a spiritual guide – all without leaving campus.
在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装, we embrace diverse faith-based groups that offer a supportive and inclusive environment for students. Our faith-centered groups cater to different interests, values, and spiritual journeys. They provide opportunities for fellowship, discussion, and 分享d experiences rooted in faith. 学生可以加入各种以宗教研究为重点的团体, 祈祷, 社会正义, 竞技宝app下载服务, 更重要的是培养一个充满活力和包容性的校园竞技宝app下载. 参与!
信仰分享团体 – Through discussion, students dive deeper into the Scriptures and learn more about the Word of God. 像基督教运动员团契这样的团体, 桥梁圣经团契, and Bible studies are available for all students and meet at different times throughout each semester.
旅行服务 – SAU students join service trips each year, typically over winter and spring breaks. These trips take our students across the country on a mission to serve those in need.
每个校园都是避难所 作为爱荷华州第一个加入ECAR的校园,St. 竞技宝app下载安装竞技宝app下载在2023年秋季迎来了一个难民家庭, 为家庭提供免费住房, 竞技宝app下载支持, 以及使用校园设施. 这一倡议直接反映了我们天主教的价值观, and students can 参与 as volunteers providing support like childcare to the family.
恐怖中的和平就是和平 & 自由奖 – The 恐怖中的和平就是和平 and Freedom Award was created in 1964 by the 达文波特 Catholic Interracial Council. The award is presented by the 达文波特 Diocese in collaboration with other organization(s) to honor a person for their achievements in peace and justice, 不仅在他们的国家,而且在全世界.
绝对! Students from diverse religious backgrounds are welcomed and embraced by our campus ministry and at faith-based activities, 讨论, 和事件. We foster an inclusive environment that encourages students of all faiths to engage, 参与, 找到友谊. 我们的目标是创造一个开放和尊重的空间,让学生可以探索, 分享, and learn from different religious perspectives to promote understanding and unity within our community.
圣校园事工. 竞技宝app下载安装 is a vibrant hub where students engage in spiritual growth, fellowship, and service. 它提供一系列的活动, from 敬拜 services and 祈祷 gatherings to 竞技宝app下载服务 projects and faith-based 讨论. 事工支持学生探索他们的灵性, 提供指导, 竞技宝app下载意识, and opportunities for personal and moral development in a welcoming and inclusive environment.